Guyana expresses concern over Venezuela unrest

…urges all parties to desist from actions that might lead to
further violence, loss of lives

Opposition Leader and General Secretary for the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Dr Bharrat Jagdeo at a presser on Thursday said that the Opposition has endorsed the statement issued by the Government of Guyana as it pertains to the social unrest ongoing in Venezuela.
Jagdeo said he was briefed on Thursday by Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greendige and was sent the statement that was issued by the Government on the developments taking place in Venezuela.
The Government in its statement said that it “is gravely concerned at the deepening of the political crisis in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and supports calls made at both the regional and international levels for immediate dialogue involving all political and social actors, with a view to the preservation of the democratic process and a return to normalcy.”
Moreover, the statement continued that “Guyana calls on all parties to desist from actions that might lead to further violence and loss of lives. The Government of Guyana remains firmly supportive of efforts to resolve the crisis through peaceful means and with full respect for human rights and the rule of law.”
Jagdeo said that he assured Greenidge that “we don’t want to do anything right now that will be inconsistent in a major way with the Government’s action…At this time we would like to associate ourselves with this statement…Right now we want to closely coordinate our approach on this matter.”
A deep depression marked by hyperinflation and shortages of food and medicine has triggered an exodus of Venezuelans to surrounding countries.
This situation was further exacerbated when tens of thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets on Wednesday in protest of the incumbent Government headed by Nicolás Maduro who is being accused of rigging his way to a second term.
According to the AFP, Opposition Leader Juan Guaido, 35, set the showdown in motion Wednesday by proclaiming himself “acting president” and was swiftly recognized by the United States and about a dozen regional governments, including those of Brazil, Argentina and Colombia.
Mexico, Cuba and Bolivia, all in the hands of leftist governments, pledged support for Maduro.
Further afield, Maduro received support from allies Russia and China while France and Canada backed Guaido.
Following increasing displays of aggression with neighbouring Venezuela over its claim to Guyana’s territory, the Guyana Government last year filed documents at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) outlining the issue being faced and outlined why it believes that the Court has a right to hear its case to settle the controversy over the 1899 Arbitral Tribunal Award.
Guyana is hoping that the International Court will in a final and binding judgment, determine the full legal validity of the arbitral award that established the international boundary between Guyana and Venezuela more than a century ago.

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